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Takara is a no loss game where you have to find "Takara the radish" in the garden to earn the prize


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

In a land, a farmer grows carrots. All the farm plots have carrots, except one which has Takara the radish and you have to find it!

Players deposit 100 DAI to get a ticket and participate to the game. These DAI are deposited in Dai Savings Rate module to generate yield. If a player has a ticket he can try to find Takara the radish in farm plots. He has one chance every day and each day Takara location changes. If a player finds Takara, he wins the yield generated by the deposit of all players from the last time someone won.

When a player wants to stop the game, he can just return his ticket and get his 100 DAI back.

Takara is inspired by Pool Together, a lottery without loser. The concept behind Pool Together is for participants to lock a deposit into an Aave pool that will generate interests. Those interests are distributed to the winners of the lottery.

Takara brings several improvements to this no loss game:

  • We use sDAI and Spark to generate a fixed yield : 5%
  • Each participant can buy only one 100 DAI ticket, same chance for everyone
  • Each particpant has one chance everyday, if there is no winner, the prize is kept for the next days
  • You have to find the plot with the radish everyday, it is not a lottery, your choice impacts the result.

How it's Made

This project is based on yield generated by sDAI. All player deposits are grouped in a common pot and the winner earns all the interests. We use Chainlink VRF to generate a random number for the winning plot and Chainlink Automation to update the game everyday (create a new random number and reset players turn). A different random number is generated for each player to avoid the exchange of information between players. We use Tableland for game database and push protocol for game notifications

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