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RetroActive public goods marketplace for DAOs, DataDAO for retroactive public goods funding based on quadratic voting to track web3 profiles and incentivize participants!


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize


🪄 FVM — Best DataDAO

Project Description

DataDAO for retroactive public goods funding based on quadratic voting to track web3 profiles and incentivize participants!

We have been working with agile methodologies to design, build and launch software for the last decade, but our tools have stayed the same. We use platforms that store our information with out any control from the organization and users that interact with them, they are the owners of the information and should always have the last word on who has access to their data.

We want to create a solution that takes into consideration privacy and data control as the cornerstone of the platform where organizations and individuals can collaborate and organize their projects

How it's Made

We used nextjs to create a serverless application that lets user run a funding rounds , individuals or organizations can sign in using their Ethereum wallet and start doing the retrospective, if they want to save their retrospectives data in a SwayStern dashboard to FV, account will be needed so they can store the data being generated in the retrospective ceremony.

We use 3BOX spaces to save all the information from the 3BOX user and store all the retrospectives ceremonies on the account of the user.

To login we used Brave with Metamask to access the ETH wallet of the user.

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