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Our blockchain voting app uses the OP Stack for scalability, Conduit for rollup deployment, BlockScout for transparency, Pyth Network for random numbers, and Tenderly for Web3 infrastructure. Wallet Connect ensures secure user authentication for a reliable voting experience.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Our blockchain-based voting application is designed to revolutionize the voting process by incorporating state-of-the-art technologies to enhance security, transparency, and efficiency. The project is built on the OP Stack, which provides a robust Layer 2 solution for scalability and seamless integration with Ethereum. Conduit simplifies the deployment of rollups, allowing us to rapidly deploy and manage our voting solution without extensive coding. BlockScout offers detailed insights into blockchain transactions, ensuring that all voting activities are transparent and verifiable. The Pyth Network is utilized for its reliable random number generation and price feeds, which are crucial for creating tamper-proof voting mechanisms and ensuring the integrity of random selection processes. Tenderly provides a full-stack Web3 infrastructure, supporting our application with comprehensive tools for development, testing, and live monitoring. Additionally, the integration of Wallet Connect streamlines user authentication, making it easier for voters to participate securely. Our platform is designed to handle high volumes of transactions and adapt to various voting scenarios, from small organizational votes to large-scale elections. With a focus on user-friendly interfaces and robust security features, our voting application aims to provide a reliable and accessible voting experience that upholds democratic values and ensures fair outcomes.

How it's Made

  1. Core Technologies:

OP Stack:

Purpose: The OP Stack was chosen for its scalable Layer 2 solution capabilities. It provides a foundation for creating and managing Ethereum-compatible Layer 2 chains, enhancing transaction throughput and reducing costs. Integration: We deployed our smart contracts on the OP Superchain using scaffold-eth, benefiting from its high performance and low latency. The modular nature of the OP Stack also facilitated the integration of additional layers and modules tailored to our needs.

Conduit: Purpose: Conduit simplifies the deployment process for rollups, allowing us to focus on the application rather than the underlying infrastructure. Integration: We used Conduit to deploy our rollups with minimal code, streamlining the process and reducing deployment time. This integration provided us with a ready-made infrastructure for scaling our application. BlockScout: Purpose: BlockScout offers an open-source, transparent blockchain explorer, which is essential for monitoring and validating transactions. Integration: We integrated BlockScout to provide users with a comprehensive view of all voting activities, ensuring transparency and traceability. Its support for various chains allowed us to monitor our rollups effectively. Pyth Network: Purpose: Pyth Network provides reliable random number generation and price feeds, crucial for ensuring the integrity and fairness of the voting process. Integration: We utilized Pyth’s Entropy service for generating random numbers used in vote tallying and other processes requiring unpredictability. The price feeds were used to manage and verify the value of staking tokens or rewards.

Tenderly: Purpose: Tenderly offers a complete Web3 infrastructure with tools for development, testing, and monitoring. Integration: We leveraged Tenderly’s node RPC for interacting with the blockchain, virtual testnets for pre-deployment testing, and live state synchronization to ensure our application remained up-to-date with the latest network changes. Tenderly’s admin RPC capabilities also helped us manipulate network states during testing. 2. Integration and Workflow:

Smart Contracts:

Developed using Solidity, our smart contracts were deployed on the OP Superchain. These contracts handle all voting logic, including vote casting, tallying, and result verification. Integration with Conduit allowed us to deploy these contracts efficiently on the rollup, ensuring scalability and reduced costs. Frontend Development: Built using NextJS, our frontend interface allows users to interact with the voting system. It includes features for voting, tracking results, and viewing transaction histories. Integrated with Tenderly Wallet Connect to handle user authentication securely and to facilitate interactions with the blockchain. Backend Infrastructure: Node.js was used for the backend services, which handle interactions between the frontend and the blockchain. This includes processing votes, managing user sessions, and interfacing with Pyth Network for random number generation. 3. Notable Implementations:

Hacky Solutions: Custom Middleware: We developed custom middleware to handle communication between our React frontend and the blockchain. This middleware optimizes transaction processing and integrates with Tenderly’s debugging tools to ensure smooth interactions. Optimized Random Number Generation: While Pyth Network’s Entropy service is robust, we implemented additional checks and fallback mechanisms to ensure random number integrity and mitigate any potential issues. 4. Benefits of Partner Technologies:

OP Stack and Conduit: Enabled scalable and efficient rollup deployments, reducing overhead and simplifying management. BlockScout: Provided transparency and detailed blockchain insights, which are crucial for verifying vote accuracy and integrity. Pyth Network: Ensured fairness and security in voting processes through reliable random number generation and accurate data feeds. Tenderly: Streamlined development and testing processes, ensuring our application could handle real-world conditions and scale effectively.

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