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A course creation platform built over Livepeer,FVM and Superfluid for Learners and content creation


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

What's the need of this project: ->Our main moto of the project is "Time Is Money" 1>We often buy a course ,study a bit and forget about it due to procrastination and less accountability. -> To tackle the above problem we have created a Dapp on which a Professor can create a course with video modules which will be stored on IPFS . -> The professor can create three time duration units in which the student can complete the course and this will eventually force the student to complete the course as soon as possible to save his money and time. Eg: For 5 days the course will cost 5$, For 15 Days the course will cost 10$ for 30 Days the course will cost 25$ The above plan will be decided by the Professor/creator of the course. so if a student decides to complete the course in 10 days then he can buy a 15 day subscription and after completion he/she can end the money stream.

->He/She can also do live lectures which will be done over Livepeer and can be minted as Video Nfts so that students can see if later as a part of course content. ->Professor will create a Push Channel for sending notifications regarding course updates and new uploads also students being part of these channels can get to know about the latest updates in the course. ->Professor can upload Assignments in form of Pdf or image file which will be stored on IPFS and will be displayed to students in the assignment tab. ->The data about the course ,it's Assignments, uploaded videos will be stored on Hyperspace blockchain and a solidity smart contract can be used to retrieve all this information.

How it's Made

This project uses Livepeer for Live teaching,Push Protocol for sending course updates to students,FVM for storing data regarding course ,superfluid for money streaming which acts as a subscription model,we are also trying to integrate Huddle01 for live interaction between students and teacher

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