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succus, P2P Ethereum decentralized chat in form of a lightweight npm package.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

succus is an embeddable, open-source and lightweight package: meaning that you can implement it in your website and get a chat set up in a few hours of fun coding. Just "npm i succus" and you're ready to get started in under 38.4 kB.

You can use it anywhere where EVM exists (e.g Polygon)! Anywhere, it's up to you to decide!

How it's Made

This project uses @ens for account-lookup, ethers for wallet integration, as its database, encryption helper, and basis for this project.

We had to make the registration of the public encryption key easy and straightforward. Engineering a P2P architecture was really hard as we had to make it simple while it's subtle to work in this sort of context.

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