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Storeasy is a Decentralised Storage Marketplace built over File Coin Virtual Machine, It simplifies the process of storing and retrieving data over FVM and provide FIL bounties to clients when they are willing to buy Full sectors.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Storeasy is a Decentralised Storage Marketplace with a smooth UI built over File Coin Virtual Machine, The project consists mainly of a marketplace, an Offers page, and a profile page. The main features that the project provides : 1-A Storage Market Place, where storage providers compete to win deals, bringing the price down for clients. It consists of various customized filters such as sorting deals according to the price per GiB per epoch, deal size, and expiry period from which the clients can choose the deal according to their suitability and buy it to store their data. it enables healthy competition among SPs and to further bring down the price of storage.
2-The client can select a deal that he finds suitable, and then click the buy button which allows him to instantly upload his file which can be anything a PDF, JPEG, video, or docs or anything else and then it pops metamask to pay the deal price, and once payment has been done the file gets automatically store on FVM. 3-In the Profile section, we have provided the feature to retrieve the deal which can be used by the client if he/she wants to download his stored file from FVM. 4-Full-sector auctions, where clients get FIL rewards directly into their Metamask accounts for purchasing and occupying entire sectors. Currently, a sector on FVM comes in standard sizes of 32GiB and 64GiB, this helps to solve a major problem that exists on FVM, that is if a storage miner doesn’t find any available deal proposals appealing, they can alternatively make a capacity commitment, filling a sector with arbitrary data, rather than with client data. Maintaining this sector allows the storage miner to provably demonstrate that they are reserving space on behalf of the network. Also referred to as Committed Capacity (CC). miners do this in order to seal sectors and provide proof-of-spacetime to FVM to win block rewards and to avoid sector faults, but due to this FVM gets dumped with junk data hence to avoid this we provide FIL rewards to clients who are willing to buy complete sectors of 32GiB and 64GiB due to which FVM gets benefitted as a whole and the clients also become happy and are promoted to buy large sector sizes. 4-We have also added the feature of Volume rewards, where rewards are further given for purchasing multiple sectors at once. 5-One of the highlighting feature that Dapp provides is that it stores the data of clients by accepting payment in any cryptocurrency on any chain and converting it finally to FIL on FEVM, using the moralis cross-chain token bridge, which solves a major problem of FEVM that it accepts only FIL payments from clients to store data on chain prohibiting those users who do not have any FIL balance in their account. 5-The Dapp also provides profile pages to display connected clients' FIL balance, completed deals, and ongoing deals. 6-An option to use Lighthouse has been added if the user wants to buy perpetual storage and get its CID immediately. 7-PUSH notifications have been integrated to message the detail of the deals that have been successfully bought to the user's PUSH channel.

How it's Made

The Frontend was developed using ReactJs and the Backend was developed using NodeJs and NextJs and the smart contract were written in solidity and were deployed on FVM chain. 1-The Market Place : The market place consists of a list consisting of various miners along with their deal detail such as Miner address, Max storage size, Expiry period and Price per piece per epoch. Filters have been provided which sorts the deal with all these three aspects, allow clients to choose the most suitable deal, Every deal consists of Buy button which allows user to upload the file using ExpressJs and multer, once the file is uploaded check price can be used to get file size and final price in FIL which need to be paid, Lotus JSON RPC enpoint has been used for this purposes, for the check price button getcommp endpoint has been used to get file size and then a JavaScript mathematical function is run to calculate final price with this data and miner piece price. Once File has been uploaded Buy Now button has been added to store data onchain, here clientmakedeal endpoint has been used to make a deal and publish it on-chain, not only this we have also provided option to store data perpetually on-chain using Light House SDK if one wants to store data perpetually. 2-Offers Page : Offers page is our main asset, it try to solve one of the main problem that exists on FVM Currently, a sector on FVM comes in standard sizes of 32GiB and 64GiB, that is if a storage miner doesn’t find any available deal proposals appealing, they can alternatively make a capacity commitment, filling a sector with arbitrary data, rather than with client data. Maintaining this sector allows the storage miner to provably demonstrate that they are reserving space on behalf of the network. Also referred to as Committed Capacity (CC). miners do this in order to seal sectors and provide proof-of-spacetime to FVM to win block rewards and to avoid sector faults, but due to this FVM gets dumped with junk data hence to avoid this we provide FIL rewards to clients who are willing to buy complete sectors of 32GiB and 64GiB this is accompalished using our solidity smart contract deployed on FVM, the Js function first fixes the size of data storage, then contract function is called in the backend the which sends FIL reward to connected metamask address from our contract balance. 4-Profille section : this section shows the connected address's completed deals, FIL balance and total storage sizes bought, Moralis API was used to connect metamask to fetch address details Completed deals section has download button to retrieve and download data, this functionality was accomplished using retrive end point lotus RPC URL. 5-Cross-Chain Function : We use moralis API to allow the dapp to get any crypto currency on any chain convert it to FIL on FEVM and pay it to SP to buy the deal exptending FVMs market scope

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