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Built a simple DEX and deployed it on Scroll Sepolia Testnet


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This is a very basic DEX, deployed on Scroll Sepolia testnet. There is a ERC-20 token already created and added liquidity while deploying the DEX, User can swap token to ETH and Add liquidity. There is also a debug contract tab, which lets users interact with both contracts.

The idea is pretty simple to create a DEX on Scroll network.

How it's Made

It is made using Scaffold ETH 2, DEX smart contract written in solidity along with a ERC-20 test token contract. This is a very basic DEX, deployed on Scroll Sepolia testnet. There is a ERC-20 token already created and added liquidity while deploying the DEX, User can swap token to ETH and Add liquidity. There is also a debug contract tab, which lets users interact with both contracts.

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