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Mobile app for staking over different staking protocols like AAVE, Compound, etc.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project is a mobile-first aggregator for different DeFi protocols like Aave, Compound, MakerDAO, etc. Diversifying your lending and borrowing for better APY is a painful task when you have to deal with many different protocols and that too on a computer device. Nowadays people are used to using mobile apps more than using web apps. That's why I opt for developing this dapp mobile first. In simple words, StakeMaster is a mobile app-based DeFi aggregator platform for diversifying your lending and borrowing of cryptocurrencies. It makes a separate multi-sig wallet for users which is secured with NFT, only user who have NFT can access the wallet.

How it's Made

This project is made with React Native and Hardhat. This project uses @walletconect to connect the user's crypto wallet with the app, @AAVE's subgraph for all pool-related data, @Alchemy API for getting user balances and many other data, @IPFS for uploading NFT metadata, and @ENS for getting the user's ENS address. In the future, I am also looking to integrate @EPNS for push notifications and @biconomy for making everything gasless.

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