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Do you love Anime? Yes! Do you make your own Anime? No! It takes too long. Introducing SplashX. Join a community of super-powered storytellers using AI to turn their ideas into Anime NFTs.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Deploy a Smart Contract

Project Description

Anime fans love to imagine alternative storylines and new worlds. But few have the resources to turn their visions into monetizable art. So we created Splash - a web 3 native hub for Anime creation, minting & monetisation. The pain points we are solving are that Anime is hard to make and hard to monetize. Traditional creation tools, and traditional web 2 platforms, make the barrier for production and monetisation too high for small independent creators. We solve the "hard to make" problem with our built-in GenAI/ Digital art studio, that uses a combination of APIs to make the process of turning ideas and stories into stills, comics and even videos as seamless and easy as tieing your shoes! We solve the "hard to monetize" problem with our native NFT minting procedure. When viewers upload their creation, they can choose to launch a set of NFTs. Viewers would then need to purchase NFTs if they want to watch/ read/ look at a piece content more than once. NFTs represent tradeable viewing/ ownership rights to the artwork. We make it easy for creators to customise the price and volume of their NFT launches, and to receive royalties from trades. The logic behind this system is to make it analagous to a limited edition comic book release. Everyone can read the comic once at the comic book store, but if you want to read it again and again, or simply own it, you need to buy it. Also, there are only 100 or 1000 copies in existence. This scarcity heightens the perceived value of the artwork, and creates more appreciation for the efforts and talents of the creators. We believe that, especially for powerful art-forms like anime, creators deeply want to make more beautiful, impactful work. Platforms of the future will be geared towards the appreciation of high value quality content, as opposed to large quantities of freely available junk. Splash is starting this wave.... no pun intended.

How it's Made

This project uses a combination of MidJourney and Runway ML to produce the sample content in the demo/ slidedeck. We are actively working on improving our creator studio workflow, but what we have been able to create in the short space of this hackathon has exceeded our own expectations. We are very excited to see what we can do in the coming months as genAI advances. In terms of the NFT component:

We have simulated the art generation API as it is not fully ready yet. However every generation automatically uploads to IPFS and creates a new NFT contract instance for that NFT. When a user watches the NFT they are able to mint/claim the NFT.

We used Airstack to query all the NFTs that owned by other wallets for the same Anime to provide the community based dashboard. We also wanted to airdrop Apecoin tokens to everyone who mints the NFT.

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