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Spark On-Ramp

Spark On-Ramp allows users without crypto background earn interest in Spark Protocol

Spark On-Ramp

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The project is using Account Abstraction and fiat on-ramp services to onboard new users to DeFi with a credit card payment and login using email/socials.

The user logins using his email/socials using some Web3 auth service. This creates a new EOA for the user.

Based on the EOA address, the app is able to compute a smart (contract) wallet address (using CREATE2 opcode) that the user can control. User is asked to deposit DAI to that address (can be done using some fiat on-ramp services. e.g. Moonpay).

Once the smart wallet address receives DAI, the wallet contract is deployed (the deployment is paid by the app creator or paymaster on behalf of the user). When the wallet is deployed, user approves DAI spending and deposits it do Spark Protocol. All transactions are paid by paymaster thus user doesn't need any crypto beforehand.

Eventually this flow could be extended to any (DeFi) application that need simple onboarding.


How it's Made

It's made on Ethreum Goerli testnet using the following technologies:

Foundry - for smart contract development and deployment Alchemy - for Account Abstraction infrastructure and SDK React - to create the application UI Particle Network - to allow email/social login that creates a new Ethereum EOA account for the user Spark Protocol - Interacting with Spark Protocol contracts to deposit DAI and receive savings DAI (sDAI) back. Moonpay (or any other similar service) - for fiat on-ramp from to DAI (there is no real Moonapay integration in this demo app because Moonpay doesn't run on testnet).

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