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Social Valley

Trust without trust, communication channeling system cross Social-Fi platforms. Share essential information regarding users’ reputation, to provide reasonable decision-makings. Each address is mapped to a reputation point "Valley_point", a factor that serve high utilities.

Social Valley

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

We call the following SocialFi’s tri-problems:

  1. Information Asymmetry in Social-Fi Current projects like offer limited information to users. Without buying a key or paying, users cannot ascertain the benefits they can gain from following others. Often times, this leads to certain situations where users make unreasonable decisions.

  2. Social-Fi Scammers and Numerous Bots Due to the limited information available, scammers and bots have proliferated. They manipulate follower counts and key values. This puts users at risk, as sudden increases in key prices can lead to losses.

  3. Fragmented Social Graphs Numerous SocialFi platforms on various blockchains further fragment the social graph, creating inconvenience for future DApps. Data integration across these fragmented platforms becomes challenging, highlighting the need for a unified social graph. For instance, Social A does not acknowledge that user 1 is blacklisted from Social B and proceeds to follow the person.

Our solution: Aiming to provide users with essential information for decision-making, we refragmented Social-Fis located on top of distinct chains, bridging all together to successfully create a single Uni-Profile which consists of all accumulated reputation evaluations by their respective Chains. This demanded feature will allow future Social-Fi participants to communicate cross-chains, impacting themselves on behalf of their safety, and reasonable decisions. Through usage of Filecoin decentralized storage system and Chainlink automation features, we achieved all the necessities of being a well formed DApp.

How it's Made

FVM: Initialize deals directly to SPs, relying less on other medial services, creating no-trust system with help of strong verifying mechanisms. Ensures transparency and sustainability of accumulated data of users and Data. Concerning specifics of the Deal enhanced efficiency in providing detailed information regarding fees. Retrieval data from Filecoin is done using lassie, and near future is expected to expand integration Social Valley with Saturn CDN for a more reliable data retrieval.

Web3Storage: Accumulated data regarding User's data are mainly in shape of JSON files, which are micro sized files not meeting the minimum deal capacity requirements. Mainstream aggregator such as Web3Storage played a role of helping in solving this problem, aggregating small files in trade-offs of having to rely on a medium service with fees. With help of W3Name and IPNS, managing IPFS files (files backed on Filecoin) were more approachable and manageable, and was appropriate in a sense to saving the value permanently to a deployed Smart Contract.

Chainlink: Existence of a control tower, Valley_points of each person being calculated in the backend had no merit to our goal, especially in the Web3's point of view. We thought through multiple alternative options to implementing Social Valley in Web3 and came across Chainlink's automation function, namely Chainlink Upkeepers. Time based trigger, set to call a specific function allowed constructing trustless underlying paradigm to work on itself.

Masknetwork: By using, you can integrate more social apps and get more vely points for users who have registered their, thus securing high credibility. This allows you to integrate not only Web3 but also Web2 social accounts, giving your project scalability and high reliability. You can also provide more information to users, preventing the damage of information asymmetry.

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