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we're planning to do a crypto exchange with a backdoor that ends up as a cash grabbing ponzi scheme.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

ETHOnline Hackathon Project This is a simple Hardhat template that provides a starting point for developing smart contract applications on the blockchains:

NEXTID: Twitter Wallet Binding | Twitter ChainLink Functions External Adapter | Chainlink Tableland - Arbitrum Alchemy šŸ”‘ Private key: 520938349f7ff6c4f84e1da21ce28d353d7cc1ebb254a6cbe82ffb8c6e1769db šŸ”‘ key: 02492e9cb3a3578acc27fd1884a6de1758add291300754557d06a28308951d46ea āœ Signature: 0x5297fe3b1740cda55bd26571b28d0f9530d061fe898e5758ff1128ed190230cf5d33b220046816539624e54e63d11761997eb863d182ab38b2403f6d1c8c71151b āœ (base64): Upf+OxdAzaVb0mVxso0PlTDQYf6JjldY/xEo7RkCMM9dM7IgBGgWU5Yk5U5j0RdhmX64Y9GCqziyQD9tHIxxFRs=

šŸ” Mnemonic phrase: net rescue gorilla rapid luxury near dinosaur code perfect cattle equip confirm šŸ˜ƒ EVM address: šŸ˜ƒ address: šŸ˜ƒ TableState.sol contract address: 0x1C3a02fC79b8C0C220fECf6D6409dF514097D70c Scroll Deployed Contracts: 0x63D610f604f52615850da3A8Ff6B316e004F948f 0x86777D9b8F27B822df90B6c2787a12ccc99B59db 0x6578C67B97E4F431c07cAb4C91176ECf5125d2d6

Tableland Studio Deployments Prerequisites

How it's Made

Tech Stack NextJS/React/JavaScript, Ethers, Bootstrap, Web3.js, Foundry/Forge Testing


Uniswap hooks, Chainlink , Cometh Wallet Tableland Arbitrum Mantle Wormhole Bridge SAFE stripe-crypto-onramp, NEXTID Scroll First, run the development server:

npm run dev


yarn dev Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by navigating pages/login?. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

API routes can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/] (http://localhost:3000/login?).

This Wormhole endpoint can be edited in pages/vote.

The pages/swap directory is mapped to /uniswap-hooks . Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

background image mobile

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