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Snowball Quest

Last player to roll the snowball wins it all, otherwise the snowball gets bigger. That's the snowball effect!

Snowball Quest

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Snowball Quest is a radically decentralized game. The game mechanics only rely on incentives and game theory and do not involve any randomness.

  1. The house initiates a snowball with a small amount. The house cannot play again after this.
  2. Players roll the snowball by paying an increasing entry fee, and hoping to be the last one to roll.
  3. There is no randomness. If no one else rolls within 1 hour after your roll, you win the entire value in the snowball, minus a 10% commission for the house to keep the light on and fund future snowballs.
  4. The 100th roll instantly wins the entire snowball!

How it's Made

The smart contract is written in Solidity and the interface in Javascript with Web3.js and WalletConnect, The Graph protocol was used for indexing current rolls and the remaining time. Additionally, we are considering using other tools and technologies in the remainder of the hackaton to improve security and user experience.

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