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Its a privacy-preserving decentralized payroll solution for enterprise and freelancers.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Sisan(/see-sÖn/) Privacy-preserving decentralized payroll solution for enterprises and freelancers.


  • An employee can provide a payment invoice to an employer
  • An employer can deposit on-chain assets for payment of invoices after a stipulated period
  • An employer can cancel payment of an invoice before a critical period
  • An employer can not cancel payment of an invoice after a critical period
  • An employer must deposit enough assets to cover the payment of an invoice
  • An employer can pay recurrently on an invoice from an employee
  • An employer can cancel recurrent payment
  • An employee can receive payment in any on-chain asset with sufficient liquidity
  • An employer can pay in any on-chain asset with sufficient liquidity
  • All transactions related to payment can be verified

Flow It describes how the system handles payment settlement between an employee and an employer

NB: this same flow can also describe a one-to-many relationship between employee and employers.

  • employee → submit invoice

  • system → record invoice param + emit invoice event

  • employer → accepts invoice + deposit enough asset

  • system → emit acceptance event

  • system → open cancel period

{ if: open cancel period is not over, the employer can cancel the payment

else: if the employer cancel payment, 50% of the invoice will be paid to the employee }

  • system → If: the payment period is reached, transfer the correct asset to the employee + emit an event

How it's Made

The project uses Fully Homomorphic encryption to keep balance accounting private. Invoice is public while the balance on different invoices between payer and payee is kept private. This extends the use of cryptocurrency as a payment processor where privacy is desired.

Invoice can be used to receive single payment or recurrent stream of payment.

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