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Safe-x is a Cross Chain Multisig built using Hyperlane ,Push protocol's Showrunners framework powering Notifications and Circle's CCTP for Cross chain asset sharing.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

-> Mostly everyone have used Safe's Multisig in Web3 but one issue with it is that it can only be deployed on Single chain. -> Let's say one user has funds on Optimism and one on Polygon. So in this case, they can't create a multisig in which withdrawal requires permission of both parties (which are on different chains) -> Safe-X solves this issue using Hyperlane's Queries API.

How it's Made

->So firstly a user will create a safe with two signers, one himself(by default) and one from another chain(Avax,Mumbai,Sepolia). A unique safe Id will be assigned to this safe . Eg(10). -> The second user can sign a transaction of approval from his chain with the Safe Id provided and that approval will be recorded on the base contract using Hyperlane's Query Api. -> For withdrawal, we are checking if both the owners of the safe have accepted transaction or not. -> The user can store USDCs in the contract and further for withdrawal it can provide the address, safeId and ChainId to which the USDCs needs to be transferred. -> Using Circle's CCTP we are burning USDC on base chain and minting USDC to the specified address and Chain . -> After the withdrawal we are resetting the signing status of the safe, for new withdrawal, both users needs to sign again .

Hyperlane's usecase : 1> Fetch Owners of given SafeId on second Chain 2> Get the Approval status of a transaction in Safe from Destination/Second chain like whether they have accepted/rejected a transaction.

Push Notifications usecase : Using Showrunners framework for powering notifications in our Dapp. 1>Send notification about a withdrawal request to both the safe Owners ,like 5 USDC withdrawal request have been made in safe Id 1. 2>Send notification when a owner have Approved a transaction in a Safe ,eg : Address1 have approved the transaction in Safe Id 1. 3>Send Notification when USDC Funds have been added into the Safe ,eg : 5 USDC have been added in Safe with ID 1. 4>Send Notification about USDC withdrawal in Cross Chain and initiate the Cross Chain transfer using Event from the smart contract. 5>Send Notification about Successful Money withdrawal on Same Chain as the base contract.

Circle's CCTP Usecase: When "widthrawMoney" event will be fired from the Smart contact, we are catching it in the Push showrunners framework and initiating a Cross chain Transfer of the specified USDC amount.

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