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Safe Module Developer hub to monetize their published plugins.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🥇 Safe — Best Use of Safe{Core} Protocol

Project Description

Safe Accounts are modular smart accounts that will allow Account users to extend the functionalities via Safe modules. However, there are only a handful of secure plugins available. We have curated a list here: Other than the well-known wallet provider implementations, there are hardly any secure modules that are available. Developer motivation is one of the factors that is preventing devs from building secure plugins. We are proposing a solution where devs can monetize their developed plugins in a streamlined manner by allowing revenue flow through plugin installations.

How it's Made

SafeStreet leverages the Registry of Safe Core Protocol to create a plugin marketplace where plugin devs can publish the plugins and monetize on installations.

SafeStreet extends the Safe Registry by adding a payment wall where developers can publish the module by adding subscription information such as fees for each installation. The users can only install these modules after the subscription payment is made through tokens or currency.

  • SafeStreet will have a web app for devs to publish the plugins with subscription details on the desired chain seamlessly
  • SafeStreet will have a Safe App where Safe Account users can subscribe to the plugins and enable them for their Safe Account
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