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Safe Build Zone

Safe Build Zone is a platform that allows users to create a Zone in which they can share files with team members, DAO members, artists etc. This all happens in a secure and decentralized way without the need of any database or other centralized services.

Safe Build Zone

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

This project allows a user to create a new Zone, which is basically a shared workspace in the form of a smart contract. The user can then add other members to the Zone that they want to collaborate/share files with. Members of the Zone can upload encrypted files with access controls, that can only be decrypted by other members of the same Zone (smart contract).

Current functionality: -A user can create a Zone (deploy a smart contract). -The owner of the Zone can add members. -The owner of the Zone can remove members. -The owner can remove files. -Any member can add encrypted files. -Any member can decrypt and view shared files.

How it's Made

This project leverages the Lighthouse SDK for encrypting/uploading files, decrypting files and adding access controls. The factory, implementation and user-owned smart contracts are written in Solidity and deployed on Filecoin's Hyperspace network. The frontend of the application is built using Nextjs.

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