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Conduits for Real World Applications , starting with Home Loans with lower Interest!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

We introduce Conduits for Home Loans. By allowing a DAO to review RWA and loans to be granted by the conduit, we bring cheaper interests to the home loan segment. We have tests for Depositing to the conduit, creating a new loan for some amount. There’s a predefined interest rate ( can be changed by governance) and when loan payments are made , it’ll calculate new principal . When someone withdraws from the conduit, the 2% interest rate ( can be changed) is calculated to process the action.

How it's Made

3 files, HomeLoanProtocol, HomeLoanStrategy, and the HomeLoanProtocol.t.sol test. We have written foundry tests to simulate all actions in this system. Conduit will enable deposits to yield bearing strategy. Home Loan Strategy is one of them which allows RWA review and loan to be granted by the conduit . So the test has depositing to the conduit, DAO allows and creates a new loan for some amount. There’s a predefined interest rate and when they make payments for loan, it’ll calculate new principal. When someone withdraws from the conduit, the 2% interest rate is calculated and given back. Main test is test_new_loan_with_full_payment_and_withdrawal

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