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Roll NFT

Raffle roll application for NFT collections, designed to bring gambling aspect to NFT trades and exchanges

Roll NFT

Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

Application allows to create raffles with existing NFT assets easy way. Whether it's an NFT Avatar, Game asset or Digital art. And play it among the participants who have tickets for this particular draw event. Amount of entries affects on chances.

Active draws could be found on dashboard and filtered by NFT collections and / or categories. On profile page available list of current, upcoming and past raffles it's management and watch lists of favorite collections and raffle hosts.

For NFT holders it provides additional way to trade, with opportunity for asset being valued higher then market. From other perspective allows participants to compete for prizes with lower expenses comparing to market asset's value.

The goal is to attract additional attention to NFTs and increase the volume of trade and exchange transactions. And achieve more precise and stable price values as consequence with higher demand for useful or popular NFTs.

Roll NFT would be implemented as ERC1155 smart contract. Tableland will be used to reach data mutability and multi-chain presence (NFTPort). Detailed dashboard will be provided by TheGraph. With option for Covalent being used for profile page and favorites. To generate frontend would be used Hyperdapp. Valist to deliver smart contract's and application's versions. To simplify Raffle roll creation will be used Composits (DataModels) from Ceramic (Glaze).

How it's Made

We used solidity programing language to prepare smart contract's logic. Additionally used hardhat and infura. For frontend attemps we used scaffold-eth templates. For achieving randomnes we are using Chainlink VRF V2. V2 helps to provide subscriptions to VRF consumer for multicontract protocol.

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