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Rewardoor is a social impact incentive protocol powered by DID. In the hackathon, we have reconstructed the value dilvery chain of the activity promotion in twitter,people could incentivize the authentic social impact contrubutions freely from platform control


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🔴 Optimism — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Rewardoor is a social impact incentive protocol powered by DID. We believe web3 technology and self-soverign identity give people the ability to own their data and their attention, however until now most value generated are going to giant platform like twitter. So rewardoor has built a web3 native tool to protect the data and attention sovereign back to their real owner and creator. In the hackathon, we have reconstructed the value delivery chain of the activity promotion in twitter.

Firstly we built a social identity connector, we deploy an Optimism AttestationStation contract to connect the blockchain address and a twitter handle, so people could map their offchain identity to their onchain identity. We also mark some twitter behaviors in our AttestationStation contract to the onchain identity.

Secondly we built a tool to help people to mint their promotion twit into a sharable NFT. And people can airdrop their twit NFT ownership to the contributors according to the record in the social identity connector AttestationStation.

And twitter behavior is retrieved by a third party tool called tweetpik. You can try our demo here

To be noticed, turn twit into a shareable NFT is just a show case of social impact incentive protocol. Based on the Optimism RewardoorAttestationStation contract and NFT, we want to implement more social impact incentive scenarios more than twitter. And we are pleased to have more communication with guys who are interested in our project.

How it's Made

Rewardoor want to build a social impact incentive layer based on the top of web2 and take advantage of web3 technology. We want to free user's data and attention value from web2 platform to themselves. In rewardoor, the activity promotion initialner could directly award the authentic contrubutors instead of the platform. To achieve this goal,there are three parts you could notice in our hackathon work.

First, we use Optimism AttestationStation idea to achieve a social identity connetor.We write our Rewardoor AttestationStation smart contract and have depolyed it We use this contract to connect the blockchain address to a twitter handle, so people could map their offchain identity to their onchain identity. We also mark some twitter behaviors in our AttestationStation contract to the onchain identity.

Second, we built a tool to help people to mint their promotion twit into a sharable NFT. And we use ERC1155 to represent it. And people can airdrop their twit NFT ownership to the contrubutors according to the record in the social identity connetor AttestationStation.

And we use a third party tool called tweetpik to retrieve twitter handles and twitter behaviors, it is like a single input social activity oracle and we want to implement a more mutiple source in the future.

To be noticed, turn twit into a shareable NFT is just a show case of social impact incentive protocol. Based on the Optimism RewardoorAttestationStation contract and NFT, we want to implement more social impact incentive scenarios more than twitter. And we are pleased to have more communication with guys who are interested in our project.

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