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Help businesses to easily make reward system in web3 or to help existing web2 companies move to web3


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Rewardity is a set of well tested tools which can help you to set up, manage and monitor web3 rewards for your dApp or adapt existing web2 project. Add collection points or loyalty bonuses to your product with ease!

Quite a lot of the existing web2 applications (like Reddit for example) or offline businesses (like StarBucks) might have pretty standard reward or loyalty programs which they might like to adapt for web3. But effort for development might be quite high as well as expertise required. You might need to make a new dApp but don't want to extra spend effort adding "yet another reward system" yourself.

How it's Made

  • We used solidity for smart contracts which are well tested (just take a look at our unit tests coverage)
  • Frontend written with TypeScript
  • We deployed and tested our tools with Polygon Mumbai
  • Our rewards in a form of NFTs are deployed and managed using ipfs and
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