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Resolve Protocol

Resolver, which resolves hacked wallet address to your new wallet address. Preserves your web3 history. No-matter you had 100s of hacked wallet. It will still resolve to your 101th, start from any number.

Resolve Protocol

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Many individuals lose their web3 wallets due to numerous scam links or leaked seed phrases, resulting in financial losses. However, is it solely the funds that are lost? You also forfeit your identity and the extensive history of interactions. Fortunately, this is no longer the case thanks to the Resolve Protocol. It enables anyone to discover your new wallet address from any of your previously compromised wallets, opening the door to a multitude of applications. Now, there's no need to inform others about your new wallet; they can freely engage with your old ones and seamlessly transition to your new wallet.

How it's Made

Inspiration came from the ens protocol. So, when user signs up on our platform it takes 4 delegate addresses from user, which will be used to vote for new addresses. Each delegate will vote a new wallet against old hacked wallet. If minimum 3/4 delegates votes for same wallet.

Then old wallet person can sign up for a new wallet address. Once it is done, the resolve function on passing an old wallet address will return the new wallet address. This will work even the new wallet is hacked and process is repeated, then new wallet can be found via any of the old addresses.

So, marketplace, Dapps and various wallet services can integrate this protocol which can resolve to the latest wallets before creating the transaction objects.

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