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Remix For Noir

Remix For Noir offers a user-friendly interface to write, test, and deploy Noir circuits and their Solidity Verifiers.

Remix For Noir

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

If you are a builder and love Noir, then REMIX FOR NOIR is for you.

Remix For Noir is a Developer tool for the Noir Ecosystem that will speed up the process of writing and interacting with a Noir Code. Remix For Noir will make it easier for developers to use Aztec Chain. The aim is to improve how developers work with Noir, making it simpler to deploy, interact, and verify.

These are some core features:

Write Code => Allows developers to write their Noir Code. It used Monaco Editor, the same library that is used to make Remix IDE.

Compile and Deploy => Helps developers avoid the cumbersome process of creating a complete project to deploy a smart contract and it also takes care of the compilation process as well as making sure the users don't have to export private keys or write any scripts to deploy their smart contracts.

Interact with Noir Functions => Interact with the read and write functions of your Noir Circuits with an intuitive UI that is created once you compile and deploy the Noir Code.

Export Solidity Verifiers => The UI helps to export Solidity Verifiers and then those verifiers can be deployed on different chains.

Everything stored on IPFS => The Noir code and their corresponding Solidity verifiers are stored on IPFS via Web3.Storage.

Registry Contract => IPFS CIDs of the contracts are then stored in the Registry Contract Deployed on Aztec and Scroll Testnet, which is also used for fetching the data later on.

We have an amazing Roadmap for this open-source project. Do check out the GitHub ReadME for more details.

How it's Made

The frontend is built using NextJS and Tailwind CSS. @monaco-editor/react is used to provide a seamless code-writing experience.

The project uses @aztec/bb.js and @noir-lang/acvm_js to generate proofs.

Solc Compiler is being used for compiling the contract code in solidity . Ethers .js is used to facilitate Contract deployment and Interaction with Blockchain.

The Noir code and their corresponding Solidity verifiers are stored on IPFS via Web3.Storage. IPFS CIDs of the contracts are then stored in the Registry Contract Deployed on Aztec and Scroll Testnet, which is also used for fetching the data later on.

The Registry contract is deployed on Scroll as well so that developers building on different chains can also implement the Noir Circuits on their chains through the Solidity Verifiers.

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