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A decentralized app for personalized health coach and dynamic NFT


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Rehealth aims to empower a world where people live healthier and more enjoyable lives by understanding and managing behaviors through owning and learning from behavioral data. We are developing personalized health coach and user centric NFTs. The health coach monitors sleep, recovery, and daily stress to deliver actionable insights on how to exercise for better health outcomes. The health goals are combined with dynamic NFTs which motivate user to live healthy. Rehealth's Dapp collects and unities various physiological data and stores the data on blockchain with encryption. Users are actually the owner of the data and have the right and ability to monetize from their data.

How it's Made

We use ERC721 for contract deployment on Ethereum Goerli testnet

We adopt IPFS as the main data storage for user physiological data and meta data.

We design and implement user interaction by Flutter.

We use Apple Health as data source and import data to our Dapp.

Health coach as the core from proprietary knowledge in digital health is running in our Dapp.

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