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A decentralised NFT Marketplace with Video calling (live Screen share ) feature.


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🧙‍♂️ — Storage Wizard

Project Description

Theme:: "Waste Recycling & Sustainability Help our Environment and get rewarded."


  • Disposable waste is bad for the environment, plain and simple. Most of the products we purchase come with packaging and materials that end up in landfills, or worse (like the stomachs of wildlife or our water sources). Sometimes the over-reliance on recycling encourages people to live less sustainably. Even though the main purpose of a recycling program is to reduce or eliminate waste.
  • Despite this problem, there are still many environmental benefits of recycling. CleanRiver recycling solutions has over 30 years of experience helping our clients improve their recycling habits. Sometimes it’s as simple as teaching people which items are recyclable

By taking both problem i built a nft marketplace Where you upload nft of the eco friendly things like Plastic Recycle which if you buy then the seller will got RCY token(0xc4A62b7465E5c0891e36C1184f87Cd5767A4a3e5).

There is a Great Video Streaming feature with Screen Share option.

$ RECYCLE is an Environmental & Recycling Solutions that is committed to providing web3 recycling services to sound services to the commercial and industrial community with innovative approaches to todays problems with tomorrow in mind.

$ RECYCLE STREAM is a video streaming platform with the Screen share option.

My Vision

  • Eliminate, divert, or reduce waste
  • Recycle waste for valuable uses
  • Reduce the cost of managing and disposing waste
  • Limit waste going to landfills
  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Live Video Streaming Platform

How it's Made

1️⃣ NFT.STORAGE :: TO STORE THE NFT DATA 2️⃣ LIVEPEER :: TO VIDEO STREAMING 3️⃣ POLYGON :: FOR CONTRACT AND PAYMENT SYSTEM IN LIVEPEER STREAM APP . Contract Address:: 0xc4A62b7465E5c0891e36C1184f87Cd5767A4a3e5 Name :: Recycle Symbol :: RCY

NFT.Storage:: Use IPFS links when minting your NFT and metadata. As long as your NFT uses IPFS content identifiers (a hash of the data), no one can dispute what content your NFT is referring to!

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