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Message important/cool/popular people and get a response! Ensure you cut through the noisy/spammy messages by proving how much you'd like your question answered.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Getting advice in an important part of life, you can message important/cool/popular people in the world, but you'll almost never get a response - by allowing these people to set a price to answering questions, you can both guarantee your answer, cut through all the noisy messages, and those important people earn some money for providing this important information!

How it's Made

The project uses React, and the wagmi library to interact with the smart contracts. On the backend there are Polygon smart contracts deployed and verified on Mumbai. Important indexing information was done through The Graph, for which I created a new subgraph to index my events. Finally, I used wagmi to get access to the ENS names of addresses to display on the front-end.

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