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Quantum Oracle helps create verified screenshots - NFTs proving that whatever their minter found on the net actually existed at that moment.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of


🖼 HyperDapp — Best Generated Frontend

Project Description

A screenshot is visual proof of something that occurred on the internet. The internet is full of fakes, and that includes fake screenshots - people claim to have seen something on the net that never was served by any web server.

The age of integration of web2 into web3 is coming. QuantumOracle collapses wave functions of all the content that can be on a web2 server into a single state captured in a decentralized storage, pinpointed at a moment in time together with its retrieval history, such as server DNS, timestamp, content hash, all that - combined, verified, and delivered with web3 technologies , have a lot more proving power than a mere picture that can be photoshopped in the matter of minutes.

When users stumble upon something newsworthy in their browser, with Quantum Oracle they can show it to the world show some proof that it actually happened protect their discoverer's rights by minting it into a cool NFT

Here's how it goes: a user initiates a "screenshot" of some amazing web content, so that I does not disappear into the void - either due censorship, or server failures, or the content's authors' attempts to whitewash their internet history. QuantumOracle verifies that a particular URL actually serves the same content the user claims to be there when the "paperwork" is done, an NFT is minted to the user so it can be shown to everyone with some rightful "I've seen it before it got deleted" braggery!

How it's Made

We store the original and modified image in IPFS so that the user can be guaranteed access to it and cannot be deleted. To publish our smart contract we decided to use Polygon blockchain and to add user's content from we2 to web3. The Graph to receive events, when user successfully interact with our smart contract. Hyperdapp and React.JS to create UI where user can interact with our smart contract and metamask.

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