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PropLedger is a decentralized platform that enables fractionalized ownership of real estate using zero-knowledge proofs. Invest in properties with just a few dollars, and prove your ownership without revealing any sensitive information.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

PropLedger is aimed at making it feasible for people to fulfill their will to invest while not putting a substantial amount of money at stake. The people get to prove their ownership without revealing any sensitive information thanks to zero-knowledge proofs. Anyone can become a fractional owner and take part in the NFT gated chat.

The main app of the app is to enable any type of user to onboard and invest easily. The dividends on the property will be redistributed, and the tokens can be exchanged for money.

How it's Made

The project on it's base utilises Next.js for the frontend and server side components. It makes use of the safe{Core} AA SDK to provide a smooth UX while web3 enabling the project. Not only does the AA provide a wallet it allows the users to interact with the smart contract freely. The Smart Contracts are deployed over the Polygon Mumbai chain, it primarily being supported by Safe's AA and being fast and efficient.

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