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Property Art

It's the real world without the boring parts. i.e. stylized digital twin as an autonomous world that uses NFTs as real estate reproduction.

Property Art

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

The project is a prototype to solve problems of allowing blockchain access to the wide economic and community relationships of a digital twin.

Allow blockchain access to wide economic and community relationships. NFTs within autonomous worlds can capture economic systems providing visual clarity to otherwise abstract decentralized finance. Property Art shows that the missing part of decentralized finance ie property and its financial infrastructure can now be complete. This is achieved through property based in a visual digital twin (that is virtual property based on spatial world distances shortened to create a rendered reproduction of a pseudo world). Thus Centralized finance's monopoly of the economic structures around property are replicated.

Buildings are stylized into NFTs then sold as actual address in this pseudo world)

Community relationships are represented by the Bondi Pavilion (Bondi Beach, Sydney), it is envisaged that later iterations of Property Art will allow uses to select the building and access municipal government services such as those offered in the actual Bondi Pavilion.

How it's Made

Blender and physical walkthrough of actual location to get a sense of perspective, aspect, natural and human made environmental elements that make the location. Then the aspects are created in Blender using different tools, splines, textures, effects nodes and meshes. These are pieced together in the 3D space and layered to create the scene.

The designer provided the .glb format models. They were 80mb. We converted them using gltfjsx to 10mb but that caused errors. We used a MUDTemplate that we prepared before the hackathon to develop in Docker since I'm working on an old macOS. We used the MUD v2 stack with Docker We incorporated @react-three-fiber with multiple scenes for each Property NFT Art listing and used @react-three/drei for scene controls and animations. We added a UI button to switching to different fixed camera views of each Property NFT Art We added a UI has button to popup Preview RWA (real-world asset image associated Property NFT Art) on mouseover Mod the OP stack and supercharge MUD

We funded an Ethereum account tokens from the Lattice faucet testnet Tried to change from deploying locally with the MUD starting templates to deploy to the OP Stack Lattice testnet with pnpm deploy:hackathon but I ran out of memory. We tried to use thirdweb to mint on OPstack to sell in OP tokens (autonomous world scale up solution) the Property NFT Art smart contract Property Art ERC-721 called "54 Campbell Pde Bondi Beach". We deployed the Property Art NFT to Filecoin IPFS using NFT.Storage using their UI We incorporated Metamask using the template from another user

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