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Real Estate deals now easy and safer like never before. An application underlying with Zero Knowledge Proof and faster deal settlements than any traditional way.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

Real Estate industry is a very big and complex industry for any person. This situation happens due to factors like number of paper work, frauds, money laundering and generation of black money. Registration and real estate deals take days to months to years to settle. This can cause a huge inconvinience to any individual. We abstract those tedious process and provide safe and secure environment for users to connect and offer deals with potential buyers without worrying about any paperwork. We store everything on chain and therefore there is perfect data integrity and transparency. Real Estate inndustry is also a major black money generator industry. Due to low transparency and intermediatary involvement, a large sum of black money cashflows in the market and therefore affecting the nations economy. We tried to minimize that possibility by implmenting on chain communication using Push and on chain dealing so that transparency is maintained and no funny business can be hidden from the eyes of governing bodies.

How it's Made

Polygon ID We needed to build a custom issuer portal so that an authority (say government) can issue claims for their holders and send them via email or any other communicating medium. The process up till creation of the issuerID and schema was relatively easier but we faced a lot of difficulty implementing the Verifier contract (ref. ERC20Verifier contract according to the polygon ID docs) on-chain. The smart contracts were quite difficult to understand and relied on a number of local imports. Due to which usage of the smart contract was difficult and required a lot of effort to fork it. Finally, we could create a basic working model and generate claims. This was like an achievement for our whole team.

Gnosis Safe We thought of implementing Gnosis Safe for renting purposes. The idea was when a person wants to rent a Real Estate Property, the owner can transfer the property to the safe and give credentials to the tenant as well. As it is in the Safe both the users and the tenant can leverage the benefits of the NFTs. We faced issues while implementing the Module and Guard smart contract. The docs for Gnosis Safe felt insufficient for a newcomer like myself. It is very high in complexity and a better documented procedure could have helped a lot. I was able to connect to the Safe SDK and create a Safe for myself but the later steps were quite challenging for me.

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