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PromiseLand is a Web3 social NFT marketplace that can benefit both content creator and their supportors with inbuilt Social-Fi elements.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

PromiseLand is a decentralized Instagram-liked social media platform and NFT marketplace where content creators can sell their digital posts. With the built-in social-fi elements in the smart contract, both content creators and people who like their works can get rewards from a sale.

How it's Made

Intention: Building a web3 Instagram but cooler, and also benefits both content creators and their supporters. Architecture: Using Lens for their meaningful social graph. Using Web3.storge to upload image content and metadata to IPFS. Using NFTPort to fetch users' NFTs. Exploring Worldcoin's widget to let user can like an NFT anonymously. Using ENS to get the user's ENS name and avatar. For demo purposes, we suggest using Polygon Mumbai, but this app can be also used on Polygon Matic and Optimism mainnet, and Goerli testnet.

How the app works: In PromiseLand, any user with a crypto wallet can post their favorite image like digital art, photograph, or even memes in PromiseLand as "NFT" with only the cost of a gas fee. The user's supporter can like their favorite content by sending a like to the NFT post with a small tip. When the NFT post got sold, all the tips will be transferred to the seller and likers can earn some shares from the sale with smart contracts.

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