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ProfitPals allows multi-user management of Uniswap positions via Safe smart wallets. Investors deposit; operators select optimal liquidity pools and trade.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

ProfitPals: Pioneering Social Liquidity Mining

ProfitPals champions the groundbreaking concept of social liquidity mining, blending expert-driven strategies with investor-centric trust and convenience.

Operator Actions:

  1. Pool Creation: Operators initialize share pools, defining an immutable token list for Uniswap trades and setting a fixed commission rate.
  2. Trading & Liquidity: Operators conduct trades and select the most lucrative liquidity pools within the pre-set token boundaries.
  3. Commission Collection: As a reward for managing and growing the pool, operators accrue a commission from the yields.

Investor Actions:

  1. Hassle-Free Investment: By simply depositing in the anchor currency, investors mint share tokens, mirroring their stake in the pool.
  2. Permissionless Withdrawals: Investors can reclaim their principal whenever they wish, without involving the operator.

Trustless System: ProfitPals ensures capital protection. Operators have trade privileges but can't misuse funds or invest in low-grade tokens. Investors' focus remains on the anchor currency, devoid of direct pool control, guaranteeing a secure and straightforward experience.

With ProfitPals, DeFi is not only more accessible for investors but also offers operators the potential to manage more substantial liquidity, all while upholding trust and transparency.

How it's Made

How It's Made

  • Contracts: Developed in Solidity using Foundry/Forge for deployment and testing.

  • Tokenized Vault: Based on OpenZeppelin's ERC4626.

  • Account Abstraction: We use SafeGlobal. Our Vault acts as both a fund holder and a rule enforcer via the Guard system, ensuring the Operator's actions remain within set boundaries.

  • Frontend: Built with Rainbowkit/Wagmi, React, and Typescript.

  • Vault Dynamics: The Vault, doubling as the Safe account owner and its Guard, allows investors a seamless ERC4626 deposit and withdrawal experience.

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