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We are building a project called PrivateGuardian which integrate privacy preservation function to guardian module contract wallet especially EIP4337 based on account wallet.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

We are building a project called PrivateGuardian which integrate privacy preservation function to guardian module contract wallet especially EIP4337 based on account wallet. The approach without zero-knowledge proof places the Ethereum address of the guardian in plain text on-chain. We seek to instead keep the guardian address private, whilst still allowing social recovery functionality and updating guardian’s public key privately. Furthermore, We plan to upgrade private module as general private multi-sign module which is not only for social recovery but can support any type of transactions.

What is social recovery

Social recovery is a smart contract wallet technique whereby a user is able to grant trusted persons the ability to transfer the ownership of contract wallet to their new account. This is useful in case the user accidentally leaks their private key of their account - ownership can simply be transferred and the user is able to again access their account exclusively.

What is Guardian

To do this, a smart contract wallet user (Especially EIP4337 based wallet) will first nominate another Ethereum address or multi-signer scheme to be their guardian. This is done by calling a method on the user's smart contract wallet, Wallet.addGuardian(), and passing the Ethereum address of the guardian. This address is then placed into storage on-chain.

If the user later leaks private key of their account, they will ask the guardian to transfer their ownership. The guardian will produce a signature indicating their approval, and Wallet.recover() will be called. Under the hood, this transfers ownership of the smart contract wallet to a new address held by the user.

How does zero-knowledge proof function in social recovery

The approach without zero-knowledge proof places the Ethereum address of the guardian in plain text on-chain. We seek to instead keep the guardian address private, whilst still allowing social recovery functionality.

  • single address as a guardian

    To do this, when a user is adding a guardian, they instead pass the hash of the guardian address into adding guardian function and it is stored on-chain.

    Then when the guardian later comes to transfer ownership of their wallet, the guardian will generate a zk proof locally to prove that they know the preimage (the input address) to the guardian hash that is stored on chain. This proof is then passed to recover function, instead of passing a signature as in standard social recovery.

    The proof is validated on chain by a proof validator contract, and if successful, the usual recovery process occurs - giving the user access to their account again.

  • multiple address as guardians

    To prevent single point of failure, the user is adding a list of members as guardians and when number of members approving recovery passes certain threshold, the recovery process can be triggered. The only two states stored on-chain are merkle root which identifies the uniqueness of guardian addresses, as well as the approval threshold.

    The proof system contains two parts:

    • The updating of guardian members

      Every member generates a pair of private key and public key then public keys are kept as leaf nodes of the merkle tree. Any member is allowed to update their public key. The process first requires proof of membership in the current merkle tree and then a valid update of the public key leaf node in question.

    • The recovery process

      When it comes to transferring the ownership of wallet by the guardians, the guardians will generate a zk proof locally to prove that they sign the preimage (the new owner address) with the public keys aligning with the merkle root that is stored on chain. This proof is then passed to recover function Wallet.recover().

      The proof is validated on chain by a proof validator contract, and if successful, the valid request of transferring ownership from this guardian would update the total approval by adding one. Finally, if total approval passes the threshold, then usual recovery process occurs - transfer ownership of the wallet to the new owner address.

To demonstrate this functionality, we have implemented a basic proof of concept project PrivateGuardian by making use of a groth16 zkSNARK via the circom tooling. In PrivateGuardian, we choose the scheme of “multiple address as guardians”.

How it's Made

  1. For the circuit part, we use circom to implement circuit design. For more details, you can refer to the readme of our github:
  2. For backend part, we used Next.js to build the product frontend, including generating owner eoa keys using etherjs and creating wallets using our own modified version of the Account-Abstraction SDK called AccountJS SDK.
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