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Just a simple platform for user to post meetup invitation. Very Simple


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

Just a simple platform for user to post meetup invitation. Built with polybase, act as database in this project, frontend with react, tailwindcss. I'm trying to upload my original demo vid but the requirement always stated not 720p resolution. So I give up and put a random video.

How it's Made

Built with polybase, act as database in this project, frontend with react, tailwindcss. Polybase is really simple and easy to interact with. The video tutorial is very clear with concise instruction. Nice one Polybase! I will explore it more in the future.

PS: I'm trying to upload my original demo vid but the requirement always stated not 720p resolution. So I give up and put a random video.

background image mobile

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