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Poly-attest - Unleashing the power of web3 database with the convenience of web2 tools


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🗯️ Optimism — Great Attestations


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

Innovations like Polybase and Optimism are happening fast. However, these tools are not fully utilized due to limitations in service integration resources.

With Poly-attest, various web3 services can be integrated easily for teams to make full use of these.

This dapp leverages react-admin to built admin panels / internal tools quickly. Then with Polybase, on Optimism's AttestationStation, attestations are fully extensible and dynamic.

In short, this project provides:

  • comprehensive admin panel to manage collections data in Polybase like an Airtable
  • tool to manage attestations, and facilitates dynamic and extensible attestation values

How it's Made

Polybase is used to store metadata for attestations. Optimism's attestation is linked to Polybase collection item; extending its value. React-admin is used to build the powerful admin screens with a custom-built data provider to interact with Polybase data.

An admin panel for a Polybase collection can be easily built by referring to an existing screen in src/screens/Attest.tsx file. In less than a few minutes, new panel is ready. Custom data provider for Polybase is in src/providers/dataProviders.polybase.ts file.

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