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Plusheaven.ETH - We created a decentralized gaming & betting platform!


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

Project Description

Plusheaven is a decentralized gaming & betting platform! Users can connect to the platform with their wallets via the web3 connect button. Currently, only the HiLo betting game is available, and the user can place bets, alongside making a deposit to lock in their bets, and if they win at the end of the round, they get paid the right amount for the bet placed. The smart contract which handles deposits and payouts is built with solidity, it maps a user's wallet address to the provided round ID, as a way to make sure an address actually placed a bet during a round when requesting payouts, this was done because all app logic lives outside the contract (in the Next.js application). On the application itself, when a user place's a bet, custom JSON data is created which holds details about the bet (i.e, wallet address, bet choice, current bet round, previous bet round, bet amount, etc). This data is then converted to a file and stored on IPFS via, while the resulting CID is stored on Firebase's firestore via an API with the user's wallet address as a point of reference or key to get the CID when the JSON data is to be retrieved from IPFS.

How it's Made

Web3.Storage (IPFS/Filecoin): We use to store (on IPFS) and retrieve user bets as JSON files during and after each bet round.

Firebase's Firestore: CIDs (Content Identifies ) for each bet upload to IPFS is stored on Firestore in order to fetch the bets when needed.

Polygon: The PlusHeaven HiLo contract is deployed on the Polygon Mumbai testnet, allowing us to run our application in a real-world environment.

Contract: The HiLo contract handles deposits done when a bet is placed and payouts for instances of a user winning a bet.

DApp: The frontend is built with ethers.js and Next.js. The backend is built on Next.js server-side and Firesbase's firestore.

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