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People Square

This is the new-age web3 base social platform for the most hardworking and consistent learners. Snapchat for learning buddy & workers!

People Square

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This platform offers following services: -Live-stream of study room after reaching certain number of sessions, get tokens from fans -Connect to people with filters on depend on interest and subject and find study buddies -Make NFT arts for duration of consistant study / project and sell on marketplace -Get NFT ticket everytime you start a session and win lottery (or earn token) -Get guidance/mentorship about your learning after certain sessions -Donate or sell your digital products like course, mentorship(trial is mandatory), books on marketplace

How it's Made

Made on react, javascript, and solidity, it uses etherium network and using IPSF to upload all the in-site NFTs. Using Skale Network for hosting, Unstopable Domain for domain, Superfluid for reoccurring subscription system for the platform, Worldcoin for the verification system, EPNS as Notification, Livepeer to stream the study / work,The Graph for leaderboard, Tableland to quesry and use sql database commands and write on EVM chains at low cost reads, possibly Lens for building the social platform branch, XMTP for Private Messaging, and Valist to release the software/app/game.

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