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Peanut is a platform where developers can raise funds for their open-source work


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Peanut is a platform where developers can raise funds for their open-source work. Peanut is permissionless and always available, any web3 developer can add their profile/project Built and deployed on Scroll Sepolia, users can transfer ETH tokens to developers that have a positive impact in the ecosystem and to up and coming developers starting new public good projects

How it's Made

Peanut is a platform where developers can raise funds for their open-source work. Peanut is permissionless and always available, any web3 developer can add their profile/project to get funding from users It made using Remix for smart contract development ,testing and deployment. It is using web3.js in the frontend to communicate with the contract deployed on Scroll Sepolia. The frontend is built using vanilla js, html, bootstrap css

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