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Pastebin on IPFS: an easy way to send plain-text and code without the need to create an account or associate an identity.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

Pastebin is a popular tool that allows a user to input text, and then receive a sharable link that displays that text. Similarly to imgur for images, this tool is used in circumstances where a user wants to, but is unable to, share text.

Examples include sharing highlighted code (without the need to log into Github and create a Gist)and sharing larger lengths of text on Twitter (without the need to create an blog account or host a webpage).

Pasteblock leverages the API and Sphereon deployment platform to allow users to access these text sharing functions while using decentralised web3 infrastructure.

How it's Made


A React app using styled-components, react-router, and firebase. it is deployed on both web2 infrastructure through Firebase, and web3 infrastructure through Sphereon. All of our design implementation uses the atomic design structure and the data management uses realtime listeners implemented through react hooks. This makes data fetching in components simple and elegant.

We tried to make sure that our interface gives the user access to both web2 urls ( and web3 urls (ipfs://content_hash) of their content.

Backend: the backend is a serverless function infrastructure with a nosql firestore. The cloud functions manage the interaction with the API without exposing our API key to the user, and keeps the metadata of uploaded data cached for easy access.

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