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TXN Carbon

TXN Carbon shows the carbon cost on the environment of each transaction.

Road to Web3
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A pool based crypto Defi App, a smart way to borrow and save

Road to Web3
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Fractionalized NFT Portfolio Analysis Tool

A site that allows a user to connect their metamask and view a gallery of all their NFT's + more

Road to Web3
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DropIt - a NFT mint and drop manager tool to distribute NFTs fast and easily.

Road to Web3
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Dynamic NFT that changes data and visualization based on Chainlink oracles

Road to Web3
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A Hub for Personalized NFT collection for NFT Creators and Traders

Road to Web3
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PolyPortal is a Web3 On-Boarding Platform for interacting with DApps on Polygon

Road to Web3
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We are working on a ticket service that allow anyone to create a batch of tokens that act as tickets for a given event.

Road to Web3
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The Oyster

The Oyster is a designer objects marketplace where each purchase is rewarded by an NFT

Road to Web3
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Embark! upon your inevitable Web3 journey. From newsletters specifically curated for beginners to getting airdropped your very first NFT all for the grand fee of $free.99. Experience it all with us at Embark!

Road to Web3
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For this phase we strive to offer limit trade orders that can use the same token funds on multiple offers, for example to catch a price dip among multiple target assets.

Road to Web3
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The idea of this app is that people can paste their own twitter profile, image they want to convert to NFT that they want their followers to get, and go.

Road to Web3
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Decentralized exchange like UniSwap & SushiSwap using Moralis and OneInch.

Road to Web3
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A NFT project for creators, mostly artists to interact with their fans, sell their contents as NFTs and also receive donations and support.

Road to Web3
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Organik DAO

Organik DAO is a Funding DAO built on Polygon. Farmers get their projects funded with MATIC and Sponsors get rewarded with Organik Tokens. Sponsors can trade these Tokens for free Food, Education and Lodging within their local communities. An OSS DAO built for future generations.

Road to Web3
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DAO Infrastructure for Talent, Events and Business Management

Road to Web3
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A photo sharing social media dApp with NFT functionality. Meedayu takes the concept of a web2 social media and enhances it with web3 features

Road to Web3
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Our DApp CryptoBaksets allows retail investors to invest in custom thematic baskets and Dollar Cost Average their Crypto Investments with the click of a single button!

Road to Web3
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LeaseNFT320 is a protcol implementation of collateral based lending of NFT. Using our protocol, anyone can rent NFT for a specified collateral and rental price for a set duration. We hope to make renting NFT feature available on all NFT marketplaces.

Road to Web3
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Well Done!!

You stake your chain's native currency and complete some task daily, so you get back your stake.

Road to Web3
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NFT Repurposing

Combine a users “Junk Drawer” of NFT’s into literal “Collectable” and find a way to add some game dynamics.

Road to Web3
cover phototrophy a decentralized freelancer Marketplace on L2 ecosystem like polygon.

Road to Web3
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Midas Test

A decentralized prototype and designs testing platform where testers get paid for their contribution to product designers

Road to Web3
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Hodefy: The real estate NFT marketplace

Global marketplace to accelerate transactions and improve the traceability of the purchase, sale and lease of real estate through blockchain technology in order to ensure a greater transparency in any operation involving an exchange of ownership of real estate.

Road to Web3
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The random map generation currently available on the market is done off-chain to generate a random map.This project decided to start from this point, on-chain data that can not be tampered with data will be the seed for the generation of abstract maps.

Road to Web3
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Non-Fungible Travel

Non-Fungible Travel is a service that travelers can mint memorial NFTs. The NFTs include metadata such as a photo and a map. Let's engrave your travel memories on the blockchain!

Road to Web3
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Event Loupe

There are plenty of events being emitted every block. You can see them all, but what if you are interested in specific type of event? Or you're looking for events related to specific token? We solve this problem, making the blockchain world a bit friendlier for users!

Road to Web3
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Lore a project onboarding interactive experience built on Polygon, Livepeer, Moralis, NFTPort and Covalent!

Road to Web3
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NFT Map - Mint NFTs of Pictures on a Map

The fastest way to take a picture and upload it as an NFT to be viewed on a global map of the world!

Road to Web3
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Decentralize and develop a new way of online gambling where players own, visualize and exchange their bets like NFTs

Road to Web3
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We’re building a Dapp that will quickly and clearly onboard beginners to the basic Web3 tools. Let Web3 adopt you!

Road to Web3
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NEX is a novel trustless NFT-to-NFT exchange, here two people can exchange their NFTs with ease.

Road to Web3
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Decentralised e-commerce service based on escrow smart contract design pattern.

Road to Web3