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Automatically rebalancing ERC-20 long and short leveraged tokens based on recursive borrowing with AAVE, Uniswap and Chainlink integration

HackMoney 2021
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Increment is a Forex Derivatives Protocol. Empowering retail and institutional crypto holders including suppliers & borrowers on Aave to hedge against forex price movements.

HackMoney 2021
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Compound Wallet

Simple Compound Lending Portal from both Metamask and Bitgo Wallet

HackMoney 2021
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Self-contained economy for distributed deep learning applications. It allows anyone and everyone to become a shareholder of AI services.

HackMoney 2021
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NFTicketize is DApp for create events (Concerts, Conferences, Festivals, Seminars, Sports, etc), create ticket categories for that events, buy tickets that are created as NFT's, and trade that tickets for cryptocurrency, for some other ticket, or for some other NFT.

HackMoney 2021
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Hal Finance

Develop a very simple to use and understand dashboard that manages all your DeFi investments. The platform is cross chain and includes different assets , different transactions (borrowing, lending, providing liquidity, etc).

HackMoney 2021
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Know Your DeFi

Know Your DeFi is a strategy and data platform for Decentralized Finance, providing a visual data query interface and risk alerts. In this hackathon, we focus on building Liquity data query tools by subgraphs of The Graph.

HackMoney 2021
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Chit Funds in DeFi. Chit funds are a type of ROSCA. A group of members would periodically pool together a fixed installment. On each installment, an open auction is conducted and the lowest bid would win from the pool. The remaining funds are be distributed to the other members.

HackMoney 2021
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Build a DeFi Strategy that by nature provides Liquidity to DAOs that need it the most through unstoppable liquidity growth plan.

HackMoney 2021
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Bringing DeFi to the e-sport betting game space with special bets types

HackMoney 2021
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Root Kit

Once launched, Pandemic Tokens spread like a plague, endlessly self replicating when conditions are met or incentivized functions are called.

HackMoney 2021
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Wolta Finance

Yield optimizer on Polygon focusing on providing a low-entry barrier for users new to DeFi

HackMoney 2021
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Multi-chain financial history visualizer and tax form generator

HackMoney 2021
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Deep tier financing (300B $ Market) to solve cash flow problems for the deep participants of companies supply chain. Solution for this is a comprehensive platform which can be used to mint tokens against invoice and use those tokens to pay and take loans until the payment date.

HackMoney 2021
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Irrevocable provides a trustless smart contract for NFT sellers to guarantee a certain price floor with a pre-auction agreement with a third-party Guarantor(s). For the guarantee, Guarantors get a profit split above the floor price.

HackMoney 2021
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Mimic - DeFi DAO - A platform focused on helping people diversify they crypto assets investments.

HackMoney 2021
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A DeFi Native Credit System that allows people to earn interest on their streaming income.

HackMoney 2021
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Jacque's Book

a highly-customizable defi focused Profit/Loss tracker for the average yield farmers

HackMoney 2021
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TokenBlend - Asset allocation and rebalancing for your Enzyme funds and Ethereum wallet

HackMoney 2021
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A Decentralised Autonomous Non Profit Orginisation that accepts donations through SuperFluid and Stakes donations to Aave that is managed by a governance protocol

HackMoney 2021
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Italics: Sell a PDF on your Website. We're building an ERC-1155 ecosystem for self-publishing.

HackMoney 2021
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Nexus Mutual cover recommendation engine based on a wallet assets

HackMoney 2021
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Raise the Colors

RPG items as NFTs with history of use, stats, and functions. Ability to pull live data from other campaigns.

HackMoney 2021
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Li.Finance allows cross-chain any-to-any swaps by aggregating cross-chain liquidity protocols, DEXes and lending protocols.

HackMoney 2021
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Geolocation Payment Streams (GeoPS) - An application that can open and close payment streaming channels, based on the user location.

HackMoney 2021
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An interest free chit fund pool. The selection turns of fund is based on the amount of collateral they put. The collateral assets will be used to staked in liquity and get stablecoin for further investment.

HackMoney 2021
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Decentralized digital family trust creation, governance, and asset management platform.

HackMoney 2021
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Use credit delegation from Aave to maximized returns to users who has idle borrowable power and does not know what to do with it. We handle it smoothly!

HackMoney 2021
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frak-a-sat enables DeFi users to own fractionalised synths of space object IDs depending on their risk appetite.

HackMoney 2021
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Vega Fees Dashboard

A Golang batch to store Vega fees data into a PostgreSQL database and a Grafana dashboard to display data.

HackMoney 2021
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Supersaiyan is a decentralised platform that allows anyone to create a subscription service on ethereum in a just few clicks.

HackMoney 2021
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Tiramisu is a safe, multi-layered, decentralized all-in-one platform for savings and payments.

HackMoney 2021
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DeFi community curation using NFTs based on Ethereum transaction history

HackMoney 2021