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Greeting NFT Airdrop

A dapp where users can send a NFT of Greeting Card to someone via email

ETHOnline 2021
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Block Hook is a mircoservice to trigger custom webhooks based on onchain contract events!

ETHOnline 2021
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A generative art project that renders deterministic, validated header images for existing NFTs

ETHOnline 2021
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BuyOnChain is a decentralised marketplace that permits people to buy and sell real-world products. It will use an escrow system and oracles to prevent frauds. Unique ERC1155 NFTs which everyone can own to give ratings and reviews about products and services.

ETHOnline 2021
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An easy way to get NFT as a gift (even if you have not wallet)

ETHOnline 2021
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Proof Of Experience (P.O.E.)

Proof of Experience solves the problem of authenticating and verifying real experiences. POE is a Dapp for demonstrating the practical application of non-fungible tokens in verifying educational credentials.

ETHOnline 2021
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We are building a smart contract escrow to facilitate B2B trade payments.

ETHOnline 2021
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Africa Focus NFT Marketplace. A platform to showcase African arts and artists

ETHOnline 2021
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We are building a directory of DAOs that will issue decentralized identities to DAOs and their members, allowing the members to build up a resume of verifiable claims of their contributions.

ETHOnline 2021
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UpHop is a BAAS (Blockchain As A Service) platform for online food ordering.

ETHOnline 2021
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Samudai – Token Community Management (for Discord). Analyse, Manage and Reward your Community Members by leveraging blockchain.

ETHOnline 2021
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An un-opinionated modular DAO framework geared towards cascading sub-DAOs and cross-DAO composability.

ETHOnline 2021
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Run your application on the decentralised cloud, or provide your idle compute power to create a massive pool of endless compute.

ETHOnline 2021
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Chess Wager

Chess, but like with a non-binary, continuous, distributive outcome.

ETHOnline 2021
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Stream-a-buy is a protocol for selling/buying products using token streams.

ETHOnline 2021
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Battle Knights

A crypto-native auto battler game that lives entirely on the blockchain - from knight creation to tournament simulation. Using Chainlink VRF to provide verifiable randomness to the blockchain we can ensure fairness for all.

ETHOnline 2021
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WeInvest DAO Cross-chain Implementation

WeInvest tokens now available on L2s and sidechains, with support for BSC and Polygon.

ETHOnline 2021
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Citizen DAO

Funding public benefits prospectively & retrospectively using Social Impact Bonds

ETHOnline 2021
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3dETH is a decentralized marketplace offering 3d printing services via Ethereum and Smart Contracts

ETHOnline 2021
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A desktop app for displaying and interacting with your generative art NFTs

ETHOnline 2021
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Huddle 01

We are building web3 agonstic video conferencing platform ensuring privacy and supporting creator economy.

ETHOnline 2021
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P2P Betting

What if you could convert your bet into an NFT: like a Uniswap LP Token. Bob, converts his bet to an NFT on Footy Oracle. Alice, with higher risk appetite can purchase the NFT associated with the bet. Bob may have to sell his bet at a lower value than his original payment.

ETHOnline 2021
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Share your defi portfolio without revealing your address or your net worth

ETHOnline 2021
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On click margin trading built on existing DeFi infrastructure

ETHOnline 2021
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Zoduid - Zodiac Superfluid Enzyme

A module for Zodiac the Gnosis DAO extension that can be used in conjunction with enzyme vault and superfluid for distribution of funds.

ETHOnline 2021
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POPP unifies rewards and loyalty programs on the Blockchain.

ETHOnline 2021
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Bibimbeat is a NFT marketplace where anyone can mint, buy, sell and play music NFTs.

ETHOnline 2021
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Lend players your game NFTs and earn a share of their play-to-earn rewards

ETHOnline 2021
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A Message transmitter and protocol for performing Method calls cross-chain.

ETHOnline 2021
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MoNA (Museum of Nifty Art)

NFT Social Media platform melding DeFi/Cryptoeconomics to quadratically rate NFTs

ETHOnline 2021
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Shrine House

Shrine House is the first decentralized, community governed record label. We are a project utilizing the power of blockchain to disrupt the music industry. We seek to empower artists to create a post-pandemic art renaissance.

ETHOnline 2021
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Heart Drops

Heart Drops is an NFT fractionalization platform that inspires a community to donate art, share art ownership, and raise funds for charities.

ETHOnline 2021
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Zero to Infinity

The user connects their wallet and chooses to mint the artwork for the next number up in a communal count from zero to infinity.

ETHOnline 2021