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Create instant checkout pages for your business or service hosted on IPFS.

HackFS 2021
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Fidelius.eth is a dApp used to share organizational secrets among DAO members using Ethereum identities. The age of the encrypted DAOs is about to begin!

HackFS 2021
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Decentralised Social Media

Provide a decentralised social media for users to interact with friends and community and also provide an option to sell some of the content as NFT for content creators.

HackFS 2021
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Unsplash on IPFS: A decentralized platform for downloading high-quality stock photos.

HackFS 2021
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Upld is a video sharing website built on top of IPFS. The main goal of the platform is to be able to provide content creators with the ability of monetizing their contents, without filling up their users screentime with ads.

HackFS 2021
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Memory game where users can match cute pairs of potatoes and buy as NFTs

HackFS 2021
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Sign CIDs on Ethereum Blockchain and verify address using DNS

HackFS 2021
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Decentralized Medium+Twitter powered by web3, smart contracts, and IPFS.

HackFS 2021
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BraineumVerse is the mapping of the real world into the mind-space of a pseudo-AI called Braineum to simplify life and its interactions.

HackFS 2021
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Mote is a social media Dapp for podcast-style 1:1 conversations. Conversations are saved as NFTs, which are fractionated & speculated on by followers.

HackFS 2021
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Medical Images uploaded to FileCoin by OpenVessels

healthcare systems are required by law to keep a CT scan on file for 7 years storage cost can be costly so providing a feature to access FileCoin with Medical Datapipeline

HackFS 2021
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Crypto Devs NFT

A non-transferrable NFT that serves as a personal portfolio/resume for aspiring crypto developers.

HackFS 2021
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We are building a community of people who want to get better at communicating, improve public speaking and learn leadership skills. Members would participate in meetings by preparing, delivering crypto or blockchain presentations and getting feedback.

HackFS 2021
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DIFO - Derivated Income Funding Operations; Non-zero-sum structure - For funding or for subscription and Quadratic Funding option.

HackFS 2021
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The Mango Jelly

Earn passive income using your NFTs. How? Sell merch with your NFTs. Discover The Mango Jelly's NFT plus Print on Demand solution.

HackFS 2021
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A Third-Party Grading and Enrichments Platform for the token metaverse.

HackFS 2021
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Decentralized Mahjong

Mahjong but decentralized with the option of betting. It stores logs in IPFS.

HackFS 2021
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Decentralized and tamper-proof review mechanism for consumers to rate the carbon footprint of products available in major supermarkets in the country and help other consumers to make more informed purchases on the products.

HackFS 2021
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Defi Together - Moon Together

Chat and invest in Defi together with friends, no trust required.

HackFS 2021
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Create an On-Chain Documentation Trail for your physical assets using a combination of NFTs, IPFS Document storage and Chainlink Oracles.

HackFS 2021
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Atlantis World

A virtual world where you can live, work, play + earn: we are building the first lightweight metaverse enabling interactive, token-gated community spaces powered by secure DeFi.

HackFS 2021
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Location based memorials and Photography Specific NFT marketplace with inbuilt tool to identify counterfeit NFTs

HackFS 2021
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FileDAG is a decentralized storage solution based on IPFS. It will provide high-quality and efficient IPFS Pin Service and customized network service based on customer requirements.

HackFS 2021
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CypherShooters is a blockchain play-and-earn game that gives you the opportunity to battle enemies with a mix of Operators and Gun NFTs. In the world of CypherShooters, you must put together a team of operators and arm them with the best guns available to take down the enemies.

HackFS 2021
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DeFiWiki is a platform with information about DeFi projects. Its advantages are that the content is immutable(IPFS), attributable(signed by creator) and there are tokenomic incentives in place to ensure high content quality and curation.

HackFS 2021
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Xirva (pronounced Kirva) is the decentralized version of Arxiv. Publish, store and share your scientific papers using IPFS.

HackFS 2021
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A social platform for users to share their NFTs, join communities, and make friends—with all posts and communication hosted on IPFS.

HackFS 2021
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Disco Rock Repo

Last 60 years of popular music video and audio file repository.

HackFS 2021
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Rightoken is reimagining the music industry by building a stock market for music

HackFS 2021
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Browser Extension allowing users to review a website (or any virtual asset) minted as an NFT for making web browsing experience safer

HackFS 2021
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Project Infinity

Infinity Portal of NFTs, create NFTs within NFTs to traverse through different portals.

HackFS 2021
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Blizzt evolution NFTs is a NFT that can evolve to another phases. It's designed to use in the video game industry supporting two evolving methods, free2play and pay2win

HackFS 2021
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to bridge Filecoin ecosystem to Web 3 metaverse with reliable ID management

HackFS 2021