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DataDAO for research articles based on quadratic voting to perpetually store research papers and incentivize research!

FVM Space Warp
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A decentralized platform that enables secure file storage and sharing with access control, built with Reactjs, Solidity smart contract, LightHouse SDK, and deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM).

FVM Space Warp
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FogMeta Data Rebuilder guarantees N replicas stored on filecoin network, 50% of the storage fund locked in FEVM contract for the initial replicates and the remaining 50% will be used for future replication when the data replicas loss occurs within the term.

FVM Space Warp
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Arbitral Institution powered by Arbiter DAO, to make dispute resolution decentralised

FVM Space Warp
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FilSwap - A decentralized exchange and Loan system for defi products, with secure storage deals validated on FVM. Trade, swap, manage and borrow with ease!

FVM Space Warp
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Google drive for web3, allowing decentralized file storage and sharing.

FVM Space Warp
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Encrypted Filecoin Backup Vault

This project is a secure backup solution that utilizes the decentralized storage network of Filecoin to store encrypted data.

FVM Space Warp
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Eclipse - Data DAOs Simplified

Eclipse is a decentralized 'google workspace' for startups & businesses - built with practical usability in mind

FVM Space Warp
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NFT marketplace with AI

The NFT marketplace with encoded images generated AI models. The project has goal to protect linked content of NFT form copying. For that, uses symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption and decryption.

FVM Space Warp
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A social network for organizations who prioritize anonymity and privacy (hence the name Shadow Network). With everything a secret organization needs from Encrypted file sharing to secret meeting rooms!

FVM Space Warp
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A Filecoin security DAO that offers decentralized bug bounties for trustless interactions between white-hat hackers and blockchain protocols. No longer do hackers have to worry about not being paid fairly.

FVM Space Warp
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A Dapp which allows users to timelock a memory through image or video with full privacy and decentralization

FVM Space Warp
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Time Capsule

Blockchain storage is a way of saving data in a decentralized network, which utilizes the unused hard disk space of users across the world to store files.

FVM Space Warp
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Alithis brings traceability to machine learning models, using the power of filecoin it maps datasets and models resulting in a comprehensive relation of the datatransformations and modeling. It stores such data in a persistent manner by minting an NFT of the dataset and models.

FVM Space Warp
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Shutter is a video stock where people can download for free and use it anywhere.

FVM Space Warp
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Datablocks is a set of smart contract primitives to provide the proper building blocks for establishing an incentive-aligned Data DAO on FVM.

FVM Space Warp
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An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) minting app is a software application that allows users to create, manage, and sell unique digital assets on a blockchain network.

FVM Space Warp
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Create digital artworks to sell as NFTs using the Stability AI's Stable Diffusion

FVM Space Warp
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Tescrow is Trusted Escrow. A multi purpose Decentralized escrow protocol to facilitate peer to peer transactions between individuals and DAOs.

FVM Space Warp
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This is a very good idea. It can help the filecoin miners to alleviate their financial pressure.

FVM Space Warp
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FNS is based on the Filecoin domain name system developed by Filecoin

FVM Space Warp
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Testing Filecoin API

We tested Filecoin FEVM API which is supported by Zondax team.

FVM Space Warp
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The DAO Productivity pod. Share messages, files, and even meet; without switching apps.

FVM Space Warp
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Tired of high gas fees on Uniswap? say hi to Yulswap, the most gas efficient implementation of Uniswap v1

FVM Space Warp
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zkTrace is a privacy supply chain protocol that uses zk proofs and merkle trees to leverage on privacy. It combines blockchain for trustlessness & zero knowledge to provide safe & confidential business processes, correctly order events and increase work flow at no cost (gasless).

FVM Space Warp
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Own your contribution. Be a part of DAOs that create the most fine tuned AI models.

FVM Space Warp
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Docs Universe

Docs Universe is a web based Dapp that allows to store important assets on IPFS instance. Ownership of files is securely recorded on the Ethereum blockchain making it the best platform to store assets

FVM Space Warp
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PaperWithData is a DATA DAO, that provide AI integrated Web3 papers/datasets/AI models based on different categories. It comes as a web application and APIs as a service

FVM Space Warp
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NFT Renter is a decentralized platform for renting NFTs securely & transparently. Uses smart contract to support any NFT from any contract. NFT owners can monetize assets & renters can temporarily access valuable NFTs in a trustless, automated manner.

FVM Space Warp
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Free Zone

A decentralized Social Media Platform in Blockchain that uses Smart Media Tokens for Social consensus algorithm.

FVM Space Warp
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Filend is the first algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol on the filecoin virtual machine

FVM Space Warp
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FVM Bot is a simple chat Bot built on top of Filecoin HyperSpace Network which uses Filecoin RPC Providers (glif) and Zondax API under the hood and uses PUSH Chat for accessing the bot in a decentralized manner

FVM Space Warp
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We are a DATA DAO that through a REFI model we seek to compensate each block of data that is stored in the Filecoin blockchain

FVM Space Warp