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An AI-Generative NFT project that will knock your socks off. The AI is tuned to produce psychedelic art based on token parameters determined at mint.

ETHOnline 2021
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Nft Bridge

The direct smartcontract-to-smartcontract NFT Bridge Using Decentralized Oracles.

ETHOnline 2021
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Pinyottas are generative art NFTs loaded up with ERC-20 tokens

ETHOnline 2021
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Paperfax was created to solve the inefficiency problem of peer review system of academic journals. We allow people to openly and transparently give non-gating audits to whatever research is in the most need of vetting.

ETHOnline 2021
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Wen Passive Income? NFT Protocol

WenPassiveIncome (WPI) NFT protocol adds passive income flows to an existing NFT collection through staking, lending, and earning interest

ETHOnline 2021
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Degen Dogs

An NFT series that invests in DeFI and streams money to owners. DeFi meets NFTs.

ETHOnline 2021
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Dynamic NFT Art

Create a dynamic nft where art and mathematics play an important role and that it is updated by the different transactions we make with our wallets.

ETHOnline 2021
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terraform API totems for 1/1 Earth. have your computer. use the door.

ETHOnline 2021
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We are building a simple crypto payroll management solution for first time founders who raised money through crypto

ETHOnline 2021
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Think of all the side projects you have worked on and maybe put it to the side or never finished because of a technical snag or a frustrating bug. HelpMeDev is a global & decentralized ecosystem where developers can help developers finish their side projects and side hustles.

ETHOnline 2021
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Sugar Borrow

A set of contracts and Hardhat scripts for giving/receiving credit delegations

ETHOnline 2021
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A set of tools for Aave users based on 1inch limit order protocol

ETHOnline 2021
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Companies provide loyalty tokens to the customer as their strategic investment. Only 40% get benefitted. Mainly due to the low redemption rate & Non-uniformity of tokens. LoyFin solves both.

ETHOnline 2021
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A patreon decentralized streaming platform where streamers receive tips and funds through a money stream

ETHOnline 2021
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Passbird is a metamask fork that lets users sign into dApps using a magic link.

ETHOnline 2021
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NAMDAE Car Market

Marketplace for Car Buyers and Seller Escrow Polygon MATIC scaling of Ethereum

ETHOnline 2021
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Proxy Poster

A general purpose decentralized social network using Biconomy's gas relayer for free post submissions.

ETHOnline 2021
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A protocol for anyone with an Ethereum address/Wallet to publish contact info so others can reach out to them and establish contact in this complex blockchain world.

ETHOnline 2021
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A platform for which comedians can upload their content and create NFTs of their jokes

ETHOnline 2021
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Survey DAPP

This app is a decentralised and improvised version of Google Forms.

ETHOnline 2021
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NFT Tools

NFT Tools consists of various NFT related tools for experimentation and learning.

ETHOnline 2021
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Simple NFT

Easily build NFT collections, for community leaders and builders

ETHOnline 2021
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Evolve NFT

A NFT based game where each owned NFT gets evolved and has some powers.

ETHOnline 2021
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Private Lossless Prediction Market

Predict outcomes, win interest on pooled funds - combining money legos

ETHOnline 2021
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A customised version of the superfluid protocol using a checkpointing mechanism

ETHOnline 2021
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Storage Retrieval Payment App

Payment app to retrieve audio or video files from IPFS/Filecoin

ETHOnline 2021
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Proof of Accomplishment Generator

Proof of Accomplishment Generator, for education & task related stuff

ETHOnline 2021
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Gameland is a blockchain game rental platform, building open scholarship community

ETHOnline 2021
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Spect is a decentralized gig economy that requires minimal trust between a client and a freelancer.

ETHOnline 2021
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Tokenize your time via social token embedded with bonding curve. Every time is unique in itself and turned into NFT

ETHOnline 2021
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Call Meta

Create detailed metadata about pair programming sessions and calls as an input to SourceCred, to track progress, and as a source of truth for skills attestations.

ETHOnline 2021
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we will implement a model that automatically determines the price by fractionalizing NFT and linking it to Uniswap's liquidity.

ETHOnline 2021
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Rightoken is giving the music industry to artists by building a stock market for artists and allowing them to manage this platform collectively

ETHOnline 2021