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A cross chain P2E UNO game where players can play with opponents from a different chain and earn 💲


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🤝 Push Protocol — Best UX


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project contains a frontend where a user interacts to create his profile and get signed up to play the game. The player can either create a new bet in the Games Dashboard or he can accept the bet created by some other user. If the other user also accepts the offer they will move to a Staking page. In this page both the players are expected to stake to start the game. After both of them completed their stake, they will be directed to the Game page where they play the UNO game. Afterwagmi

How it's Made

We built the front end with React + TailwindCSS. Our backend architecture consists of for multiplayer gameplay, chat messaging and match initialization. New games created are stored in a Polybase data solution and the backend server is built with react for the database and We deployed our smart contract which handles the staking and winner-rewarding mechanism in 5 different chains making us a multi-chain P2E game - Taiko, Gnosis, Mumbai Testnet and the Scroll Chain. We implemented cross-chain gameplay feature with Connext where a user can play with an opponent in Mumbai Testnet from Goerli Testnet.

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