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Onchain Storage

ChainStorage is a cloud storage that have special data encryption and guaranteed security with blockchain architecrue

Onchain Storage

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

After the file is sent to the system of IPFS, we encrypt the link given by IPFS to access our data and give a hash to the user. The user can access the data again with this hash. This increases the security of your data in IPFS. This algorithm works as follows. The link given by IPFS is divided into as many parts as the number of users and all of them are passed through the SHA-256 algorithm. Then a new hash is created by taking a piece from each of the users. These new hashes created are kept in the system. When the user wants to access his data, he uses a special hash given to him and collects his own hashes from the hashes kept in the system. In this way, the data is prevented from falling into the hands of hackers.

How it's Made

In this project, I used the technology of IPFS to store the data. I have 2 central contracts. The protocols I mentioned in the description are written in the go language. It is a project designed to increase the security of IPFS technology. The aim of the project was to change the data storage algorithm of IPFS and create a new file system based on it.

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