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A blockchain data visualization tool to help with browsing, investigation and education


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This is a project to help visualize the complexity of the graph on the blockchain. This would greatly help people to 1. learn blockchain 2. quickly grasp the high-level picture of transactions and 3. investigate and debug complex interactions.

Specifically we have two visualization tools built (with more on the way). One is a tool to visualize the graph structure of blockchain near a given addresses. The user can expand more neighboring transfers and view the data as both graph entities and table rows.

The other tool is a web widget where the latest data on a blockchain is visualized block-by-block. This is quite fun to watch and show to people what are happening at the chain at this moment. One can click the entities to go to the explorer.

How it's Made

On the data part we directly fetch blockchain data from the nodes and the graph. Such data are they processed and served from an API server. Then the frontend renders them. For some visualization, like the latest block visualization, the data are directly fetched from the data sources (nodes, the graph) to the frontend. No API server is used.

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