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Omnichain AMM on CILA

During that hackathon we had been building an omnichain smart-contract for Automated Market Maker. This is an AMM that works

Omnichain AMM on CILA

Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Deploy a Smart Contract

Project Description

CILA - is a general-purpose omnichain smart-contract infrastructure to unite all the blockchains into one whole. We decide to build the first Omnichain AMM on top of CILA and launch it after the hackathon. Such AMM will have aggregated liquidity from all the chains. Where you can launch and run your smart contract on multiple chains simultaneously.

Here is the video demo

How it's Made

This project is built using a variety of technologies. It's based on the CILA Omnichain infrastructure and uses languages like Solidity, VueJS, Dotnet C#, Javascript, HTML, and CSS. These tools help to create the project's basic structure and functionality.

We also use ChatGPT for dynamic styling, which makes the project more interactive and user-friendly.

For the Omnichain infrastructure, we use a mix of tools and techniques, including CQRS, Event Sourcing, Kafka, MongoDB, Protobuf, WebAPI (dotnet), GRPC (dotnet), and Dependency Injection. These help to manage data flow and increase the project's overall efficiency.

Truffle and Open Zeppelin are also used to strengthen the project's solidity environment. They provide a good framework for development and help to make the project more secure and reliable.

The project's design was created by ChatGPT and Alex Shkor. They worked together to make a design that is both nice to look at and easy to use.

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