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Null Value 3.0 presents a learning platform to all Web3 enthusiasts and learners alike. We provide services to learn by asking questions/ doubts and getting them answered by a peer or an industry expert.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

Project Description

In Null Value 3.0, we aim to provide a community-friendly platform where coders and developers can ask any query, question, or doubt related to Web3. And the community responds to those questions with the answers, have discussions, and learns about Web3.

You can ask questions at the 'Ask Question' page of the site. You can also view top questions or recent questions and search for your question from the 'All Questions' page on the site.

Each time you ask a question or answer a question, you'll be rewarded with Reputation Points. These points allow you to either ask more questions or answer certain questions. The score on your profile reflects your credibility stating how well-versed you are in the domain.

In addition to Reputation Points, you get POAP appreciation tokens as bonuses when you achieve certain milestones - such as answering 100 questions or asking 25 questions. Users can claim their rewards in their wallets.

Users can publish articles on the site, thus increasing their score while educating the common masses or learners of the latest advancements or news that's taking place around the world.

However, one could pay a fee to connect with a certain user or domain expert to avail quick responses from the message section.

How it's Made

This project uses the @XMTP behind the scenes for conversations between two users. I have used React for front-end development and solidity for back-end development. I have also used Worldcoin and Unstoppabledomains. I have used IPFS to store profile and cover images and upload all the questions and articles.

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